Friday, August 06, 2010

Back to Normal.

Pssst! I have a secret to tell, I had this thing about blogging and notions of how it exposed my private life and people looking at my pictures and reading about my travels etc. I even stopped looking at other bloggers. I was getting crazy busy , trying to juggle life, preparing for my wedding, taking photographs, adjusting to a new city, getting back to yoga, trying new things ...ahhhhh there alot of stuff!!!

Then I remembered my blogger password and voila! private messages asking me about travel, hosting an engagement party, photography...the lot. It took me approximately an hour of solid patience answering questions. Then it dawned on me, this blog maybe about me (however narcissistic I am) it does however help other people out, it's a community after all. and do get those random weirdos from time time...but if it means that about 100 or so people still check out my blog...I'll damn try my very best to entertain you all 100 or more.... and maybe keep my sanity along the way...I'm back!

this is what i've been up to....

I went to Tasmania for my birthday, FH treated me to yummy lunch at the Bay of Fires

You must try the food at Angasi at the Bay of Fires....worth the drive....mmmm

In Launceston we stayed at the Pepper's Seaport....this was the view from our room

I can't forget to mention the spa at Cradle Mountain , Waldheim Spa is to dieeeee for.