I just like to say how wonderfully cool the blogging community is, I would like to say thank you to all the lovely readers who have sent me emails and sweet nothings this month and yet I have not replied to...big hugs to you darlings:). On a lighter note, a fellow blogger as well as photo classmate Joy has tagged me for "10 things about me"....so here it is....
1. I'm insanely passionate about fashion but sanely enough know where to draw the line. I wouldn't rake up a massive credit bill...I'm definitely an investment buyer.
2. I am not in the fashion industry.....on the contrary health and science... in the process of becoming a midwife. Yes delivering and taking care of babies and being with women :) Having worked in fashion before, I believe at the end of the day it certainly doesn't make me who I am. I love being able to make a significant footprint in other peoples lives by helping women bring their children into this world.
3. I love photography :) I have a secret fantasy of being able to one day see my photos in Vogue Living:)
4. I love architecture. Especially works by Gaudi & Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright to name drop a few.
5. I love food, making it, eating it.
6. I don't see anything wrong with being a nerd. I love books, going to museums, galleries and watching grandma films..
7. I take great pleasure in sitting at home reading a book, watching grand designs, making jewelry or day dream of the Seychelles than going out and getting pissed. Ok so I think i might be allergic to alcohol..
8.I love blogs....very very interesting.
9. I can count my good friends with one hand.
10. Green mangoes are delightful:)
my fave snaps from my labour day long weekend with the girls...

Hyams Beach
Jervis Bay, South Coast
Soft shell crab with Asian Greens
Yummy sauce forgot the name
Cheese Platter at Paperbark Camp, Jervis Bay
La' Jul Day Spa, Jervis Bay