It's been a refreshing weekend thus far. Gone are the wet drops of acid rain from the black skies and lo and behold there is sun! During the week i've been practicing misjudgment by always forgetting to bring an umbrella .... every time i look outside it's either pissing rain or about to... go figure. It'd hard to dress for weather like this, one day cold... the next not. So today i opted to do the 'go between'. Beso!

Mood: Little house on the Prairie meet Thelma and Louise
Dress: Fleur Wood
Jacket: Leather esprit
Shoes: Target
these photos are coolness....)
I like your leather jacket! Did you get it in Australia? How much was it if you don't mind me asking?
thanks gals!
Yeah got the leather jacket in Esprit, last year. I think it was about 499 comfy. Check out their stores, they might have one this year :)
hope that helps
The detail on that dress is charming!
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