Disclaimer: Nerd Alert!!!
I love shiny things, i may even get momentarily distracted by a shiny object...but hey i'm more than happy to be stunned by a two carat diamond ring...i wish. Growing up i recall collecting heaps of things from buttons, stickers,bottle caps, hello kitty stationary, but one thing that always manages to get nerd tags(yes people can be mean) is my love for stamps..yes stamps. I'm sure everybody has had some sort of stamp collection right? No? Ok well i guess i was the coolest kid in town then. As a child i used to write letters to post offices asking for free stamps and ask them questions on how to preserve them, i read books, joined a stamp club and even made penpals who share my passion for stamps. I used to have dreams of finding a Penny Black or some sort of rare Queen Elizabeth stamp and make lots and lots of moula. It may sound comical now but i enjoyed those times wasted on placing stamps in water and carefully drying them using my special tweezers....until i grew up and started to develop an interest in fashion, boys and shopping that my stamp collection made it's way underneath my bed and lost my penpals along the way. ( I'm sure they too grew up and chased boys and girls).
Now as an adult ( I think I am) i developed an expensive collection of shiny pretty things. I blame it on my love for Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's, but i love bows, diamonds, pearls and dangly pieces. I collect headbands! i love headbands , they make my hair pretty and can dress up the dullest outfits. I once had bangs but deliberately outgrew them so that a pretty headband can sit snuggly on my head. Although my love for shiny things isn't as easy as writing to a store and asking for free things just as i did when i was a young stamp collector. Nowadays I make my way to Tiffan'ys, draw jewellery, visit antique jewellery auctions, op shops, deceased estates finding my shiny pretty things just as a bower bird would collect shiny blue objects. Nonetheless it's the fact that although these are material possessions, i'm a firm believer you can give them to somebody special as well.

Shiny pretty things...i love

This breakfast at Tiffany's book was a birthday gift by gorgeous Emma....i love that Movie!

My everyday items, i wear on a daily basis. I'm In love with the Mimco headband my bestfriend Diane gave me for my birthday. She said it reminds her of a tiara.:)

I love Evita Peroni headbands. They're made of swarovski crystals. This too was a gift.
i love your shiny pretty things roxyheart!
Thanks so much ChanelSensual! Nice name by the way
Good post...everyone has their past and present "not-so-secret" obsession. Mine is and was comic books. Although I love clothes, it is still hard to let them go. Japanese anime is my weakness (albeit they have some great stylings with some of the characters). :-)
+Ivan McK
Thanks Ivan, Anime is awesome and your right about the great stylings. I can definitely see that in the characters:)
Have a nice day
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